Download VMware Workstation 10 Final Full Version ~ VMware adalah software untuk menginstall Sistem operasi berstandar ISO. sebelum nya saya memposting Download VMware 9 Full Version Hosting Indowebster. sekarang saya update yang versi 10 nya.
Software ini cocok buat orang yang sedang ingin belajar menginstal komputer atau mensetting komputer sebagai bahan uji coba. :D
Download'an singel link, Software ini berkisar besar nya 480MB. sama seperti VMware Versi 9 nya Vmware 10 lebih Friendly tampilan nya dan tidak banyak lagi Debug & Kekurangan nya
What's new in VMware Workstation 10?
- Creation of Restricted VM Advanced – can expire a VM at predefined date and time.
- When you run Workstation VM on a tablet, the VM can use accelerometer, gyroscope, compass and also - the ambient light sensor.
- Multi-monitor setups easier than before. Can use 2, 3, or 4 monitors
- Unity Mode Integrated to work with Windows 8.1
- New converter built-in can also p2v W8.1 from physical to virtual.
- Support for 16 vCPUs, 8 TB SATA disks and 64GB of RAM
- New Virtual SATA disk controller
- Now
ing 20 virtual networks
- USB3 streams
for faster file copying
- Improved application and Windows VM startup times
- SSD Pass through
Software ini cocok buat orang yang sedang ingin belajar menginstal komputer atau mensetting komputer sebagai bahan uji coba. :D
Download'an singel link, Software ini berkisar besar nya 480MB. sama seperti VMware Versi 9 nya Vmware 10 lebih Friendly tampilan nya dan tidak banyak lagi Debug & Kekurangan nya
What's new in VMware Workstation 10?
- Creation of Restricted VM Advanced – can expire a VM at predefined date and time.
- When you run Workstation VM on a tablet, the VM can use accelerometer, gyroscope, compass and also - the ambient light sensor.
- Multi-monitor setups easier than before. Can use 2, 3, or 4 monitors
- Unity Mode Integrated to work with Windows 8.1
- New converter built-in can also p2v W8.1 from physical to virtual.
- Support for 16 vCPUs, 8 TB SATA disks and 64GB of RAM
- New Virtual SATA disk controller
- Now
- USB3 streams
- Improved application and Windows VM startup times
- SSD Pass through
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